Auto Insurance
Bodily Injury Liability
If you are at fault in an accident and someone is injured, this coverage will help pay their medical bills and income lost due to the injury.
Property Damage Liability
If you are at fault in an accident, this coverage will assist in paying for damages to another person’s vehicle or property.
Uninsured Motorist
This coverage is beneficial for you and your vehicle in the event that you are in an accident caused by an uninsured driver or in case of a hit-and-run.
Underinsured Motorist
If you are in an accident caused by someone who does not have enough insurance to cover the costs of the accident, then this insurance will assist in taking care of you and your vehicle.
Medical Payments
This coverage helps to pay medical cost for yourself as well as passengers in covered auto accidents.
Even if you are at fault, collision coverage will pay for damages to your vehicle caused by hitting another vehicle or object.
Comprehensive coverage, also know as “other than collision,” helps cover cost for damages to your vehicle by fire, theft, vandalism, weather incidents and accidents caused by or involving animals.
Roadside Assistance
This is 24/7 emergency coverage that helps you when your car is broken down, need a tire change, out of gas or even if you’ve locked your keys inside.
Rental Car Expense
This coverage provides access to a rental vehicle while your personal vehicle is being repaired due to a covered accident.
Gap Coverage
If your vehicle is deemed a total loss after an accident, then this coverage can pay the difference between the actual cash value of the vehicle and the amount owed on the loan or lease.
Accident Forgiveness
With accident forgiveness, you will not experience a rate increase due to your first at-fault accident or minor violation.
Vanishing Deductible
This optional endorsement earns you $100 off your deductible for each year of safe driving, up to $500. This means if you have a $500 deductible then your deductible could potentially vanish completely.
*Some coverage’s listed may not be available through all carriers.